I value three things above all else: love, compassion, and beauty.
By beauty I mean those qualities of form, structure and composition that bring me and others pleasure: in those things we make, in those acts I observe, and in the world I experience (all of nature).
While love and compassion are good, beauty is not necessarily so. As someone who uses beauty in their work I therefore have the responsibility to consider its use in light of love and compassion.
As far as we know, humans are the only species to think about the future. It seems however we generally consider the consequences of our actions for our own interests before those of others.
Humans will only flourish, perhaps only survive, once we place others before ourselves. I remind myself, Be Kind to a friend, a colleague, a stranger, or a member of my family today, and tomorrow I will feel the strength of what it is to give.
It is important for me that people have the same access to those things I make no matter their age, gender, their ability in mind and body, where they live, their economic circumstance, or what they believe. I make for those who experience the world as I, as much as for those who do not. For those who share my values, and those who feel contempt for them.
I make for the chance for anyone to meet my world as they experience, act, and think in theirs.
William Shakespeare
A place where one fresh thought is presented every day.
Think This Today is the creation of Mike de Sousa, an artist, writer, and composer.