If I use too many words you may tire. If I use too few you may become discouraged. If I am too forward you may retreat. Too reticent and your interest may wane. If I share my feelings you may leave. My thoughts and you may go. If I show my strength you may sense arrogance, my pain, weakness.
I talk of you the reader, and you, my love. What I say alone is worth far less than when I say with you.
Talk with, not to.
Person: someone alive that has, may, or will experience, with right of choice and self-determination.
I have no doubt I am a person, and view someone unconscious or asleep as still being one.
In principle I see no reason why the status of being a person (personhood) should not extend across species and into the oncoming reality of artificial consciousness.
Creativity is not evidence of personhood and does not define the authenticity of my being a person.
I consider my footprints in the sand as the light, sound and words I make.
Close up I see the lines of age, the web of countless journeys, the rise and ray of sun and fall of moon. Light and night. The slow change of season, the reach of water through a crack of rock...
Representations of the natural world are but faint shadows of its experience.
View 'The Natural World' and read my thoughts at 100 Artworks
William Shakespeare
A place where one fresh thought is presented every day.
Think This Today is the creation of Mike de Sousa, an artist, writer, and composer.