Think This Today!

My Latest Thoughts

  • 21JAN
    The Why and How of Things · My Inward Gaze


    My thirst for more than meets the eye is driven by my need to understand, my yearning to know. You may feel this same thirst not only satisfied by sense or body, but also by the heart and mind.

    This cryptic place where I reflect on the why and how of things.

    The more I view, my view becomes my more.

    The more my inward gaze, the more I burn within to share the more of who and what I find.

  • 20JAN
    The Cold Fuels My Mind


    With short hours of daylight the weather turns. I am surrounded by the bitter chill and frost of north.

    Low temperatures keep me close to home. In the past, especially in the evenings, being inside during the long dark winter meant more time for conversation, reading, and rumination. By the past I mean to say before my days online where I am easily lost with inconsequential distraction.

    Now, online, wherever I roam, in every time and season, the silence of my contemplative winters retreat.

  • 19JAN
    Social Constraint And My Capacity To Love


    I ponder on the nature of inhibition and how the expression of love is often constrained in public.

    In a long and warm exchange I witness someone with severe special needs hold, then kiss the hand of a person who helped her. The person who kissed seems far closer to happiness than those who are harnessed by social timidity. Their generosity overcame the hesitancy of love that often confines our interactions. When I restrain myself for the sake of what others may think or judge, I limit my love.

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

William Shakespeare



A place where one fresh thought is presented every day.

Think This Today is the creation of Mike de Sousa, an artist, writer, and composer.